Sunday, May 23, 2010

Classic Album: Plankeye - The One and Only

So I've had the idea to do a classic album review and talk about my favorite records or overlooked follow up records. So every Sunday I'm going to post a classic album.

Looking back The One and Only almost plays like a transition record. It was Scott Silletta's last record with Plankeye and musically The One and Only was a set-up for where Plankeye would go with Relocation. The One and Only was a cleaner sound for Plankeye. The gritty alternative band was replaced with a clean rock sound. I had the chance to see Plankeye live twice before Relocation was released, once with Scott singing and once with Eric and the songs from The One and Only worked just as well with Eric singing them.

The One and Only kicks off with Someday, a bluesy rock song with harmonica. (The video was a great power rangers parody) I don't know how much of the change in sound on The One and Only is credited to Scott not playing guitar on the album (and perhaps not writing the songs) or how much is just a cleaner, better recording. Fall Down and One Or the Other are beautiful songs while Landmarks is a hard hitting aggressive song.

The One and Only might be Plankeye's strongest album start to finish, at least their strongest output with Scott as lead singer. Although Relocation brought minor success with Goodbye, a lot of fans couldn't get past Scott not being in the band and Relocation not being as strong as The One and Only. Although Relocation has probably stood the test of time better, The One and Only has a special place in the hearts of Plankeye fans, including mine. It was both the ending and beginning of an era.

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