Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gifts From Enola - Gifts From Enola

The jump between Gifts From Enola's debut record, Loyal Eyes Betrayed, to their second album, From Fathoms, was huge. From Fathoms even made my Top 20 records of 2010. But their self-titled 3rd record shows a band still growing, still changing, and still getting better. Where From Fathoms was more post rock oriented, their self-titled album shows Gifts from Enola moving in a more math rock direction, ala Don Cab.

Lionized kicks in with a really dissonant bass guitar, heavy drums, and a smooth guitar riffs, almost a Russian Circles feel until 2 minutes in when everything comes together and explodes. 2 minutes later the explosions dies down and where left feeling out the aftermath Dime and Suture is an upbeat moving track that changes and shifts. And while there are vocals on this track their so laied in the background of the song that they become this extra layer to what has become a mewithoutYou post hardcore song. Alagoas is a cheerful guitar riff over a bass line doing its own thing in the background. It's as if they guitar and bass parts were written separately to create a weird space between the two. The bass guitar fades away and the guitar slowly morphs into something soft and lush for a vocal part to swing in as the band transitions into a nice post rock song. Grime and Glass starts as a hybrid punk song the flirts with being beautiful but staying undefined and chaotic, which halfway through settles into a nice groove. Rearview is the most standard sounding post rock song on the record.

There are only 5 tracks on the album but the song lengths average out to 7 minutes a piece and each song has at least 2 movements, giving you a lot of music to digest and listen through. Gifts From Enola have given us their most unique and accomplished work to date.

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