Monday, October 15, 2012

Onward To Olympas - Indicator

Thirds times the charm or three strikes and you're out?

That's the question I asked going into Onward to Olympas' third full-legnth. The band's previous two efforts fell flat and while I thought there was improvement on The War Within Us, I've still been waiting for something more or different from OTO.

Indicator is more miss than hit. In fact, I think it's mostly a miss. The hardcore/metal elements of Indicator are on point and it's some of the best music OTO has delivered to date. But what is lost on me are the clean vocals and how they are arranged.

Strange Forest kicks the album off on a really stellar note but then the album takes a weird turn in arrangement and the clean vocals sound out of place. Wolf's Jaw again hits hard and the clean vocals seem less out of place and odd but it's still so commonplace that it doesn't leave any impression. The transitions on each song between that parts are rough and when it's accomplished successfully (Division) it's just an ok moment.

Indicator also plays short and it actually hurts the album. While, the songs get lost on me, it's a decent background soundtrack and when it's over I'm shocked at short it is.

Onward To Olympas continues to be a band I don't get or appreciate.

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