New Dillinger Escape Plan Song!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Top Twenty (One) Tooth & Nail Albums

So putting together the list of Top 10 Solid State Records got me thinking about Tooth and Nail. Which lead me to put together this list of my top 21 favorite albums released by The Nail. Admittedly T&N have become a little... trendy? I mean, they've always followed trends but their current roaster of artist it lacking.
* So any albums that made the Solid State list are not on this list. I've also taken into account the first 4/5 years of BEC recordings because the first couple of bands on the label were all T&N artist shoved over to Mr Ebel's new imprint. And lastly, this is my list. It's completely biased. So enjoy!
21. Pedro the Lion - Whole ep
Whole was a brief glimpse at the good things to come from Mr Bazan. It's the most overtly Christian album Pedro the Lion put out but it's not offensive or cheesy. 6 really good songs that seem like a distant memory to David Bazan's current outlook on life.
20. Starflyer 59 - Silver
Starflyer 59's debut is held in high regard by their fans. One of T&N earliest releases. It gets thrown around as a My Bloody Valentine sound alike but that's an easy and cheap description of the album. To this date it's probably the best Jason Martin's guitars have sounded. Hazel Would is a fan favorite.
19. Further Seems Forever - The Moon is Down
A little bit of emo for you. I was a senior in high school when this record came out and at the time of it's release I fell in love with Further Seems Forever. The Moon is Down is Chris Carrabba's (Dashboard Confessional) only album with the band. Sadly he left FSF before the release of the album and the songs never sounded right live with Jason on vocals.
18. MxPx - Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo
Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo is probably MxPx's most accessible record. It was the first record they put out that lyrically set them apart from their earlier releases. They moved away from songs about growing up and being a teen. It's probably not the fans favorite album but it ranks as one of their finest in my books.
17. Blenderhead - Figureheads on the Forefront of Pop Culture
Blenderhead's final release was a fun, mathy, pop punk album. Not really an album that had the DC sound but you could hear Fugazi's influence in Blenderhead's music. Another great and underrated band.
16. Klank - Still Suffering
Christian industrial music was always known for being too dark and too evil to actually be Christian. Klank was no different. I believe it was Klank who was at the center of controversy for playing Nine Inch Nails at his merch table during Cornerstone festival. The first time I heard Downside on the first Songs from the Penalty Box compilation I loved it.
15. Ghoti Hook - Two Years to Never
With Two Years to Never, Ghoti Hook stepped away from punk to create a rock record. And they were successful. Two Years to Never and the ep they put out on Velvet Blue Music were both super strong rock records and it was sad to see them break-up.
14. Plankeye - The Spark
There were a ton of Christian alternative bands in the mid-90's. Most were pretty good. With their second record, The Spark, Plankeye moved away from a Jane Addiction sounding punk style to something more straight forward. Open House and Wings to Fly are both top notch songs.
13. Starflyer 59 - The Fashion Focus
With the Fashion Focus, Starflyer 59 decided to stop playing rock music and make a pop record. The result is amazing and The Fashion Focus ushered in a new era for Starflyer 59. From the opener, I Drive Alot, to the closer, Days of Lamech, The Fashion Focus is a strong indie pop record from start to finish.
12. The Crucified - Nailed/Take Up Your Cross
T&N released the demos of the Crucified and introduced us to one the great bands christian punk/metal/hardcore has ever seen. Nailed/Take Up Your Cross is the hardcore/punk version of the Crucified. This was Minor Threat for Christians.
11. Frodus - Conglomerate International
I was always perplexed as to how Frodus ended up on T&N but that's besides the point. This is DC post-hardcore at it's finest. Their album rallying against corporate America still rings true 10 years later.
10. The OC Supertones - Supertones Strike Back
Yes, Ska. Yes, The Supertones! This record comes off as a tad cheesy when I listen to now but I still love ska and this record has a special place in my heart. It was the record that launched them in Christian rock stardom. It also revealed them to be minor assholes but hey, the music is still fun.
9. Squad Five-O - Bombs Over Broadway
If you've never heard Bombs Over Broadway I highly recommend picking this album up. It's glam punk. It's probably the best songs Squad Five-O ever wrote and live it was amazing. The most energy and most fun I've ever had a concert to date.
8. Roadside Monument - Eight Hours Away From Being a Man
If you look up Christian Indie Rock, Roadside Monument's picture will probably pop up. Their second album Eight Hours Away From Being a Man starts with utter chaos, Sperm Ridden Burden, and mellows out, always just tettering on the edge of breaking.
7. Project 86 - Drawing Black Lines
Drawing Black Lines is an album that explodes into your stereo and rips your ears apart. I'm pretty sure it's the loudest record I've ever heard. Although Project 86 has released a lot of good music since Drawing Black Lines nothing even compares to how great Drawking Black Lines is.
6. mewithoutYou - Brother Sister
I think most people will agree that mewithoutYou's Brother Sister is a perfect record. Musically, lyrically, sonically. There is nothing wrong with it.
5. Joy Electric - The White Songbook
I know I get made fun of for being a Joy Electric fan but this is something I've just come to accept. The White Songbook was Ronnie Martin throwing out the playbook and creating something new and fresh from scrap. The White Songbook was Joy Electric's masterpiece. It's song crafting at it's finest. Joy Electric is not just bleeps and bloops, it's some of the most intricate synth work you'll ever hear.
4. The Juliana Theory - Emotion is Dead
I love this album. Even after 10 years this record still sounds great. Emo didn't always suck. I'm super excited The Juliana Theory is getting back together to play this record again.
3. MxPx - Life in General
Life in General is the fan favorite record. This is a classic MxPx album. Chick Magnet launched MxPx into the spotlight. And even though they haven't had the success has many of the bands who have opened for them over the years, they've had a longer and better career. Life In General holds up.
2. Starflyer 59 - Old
When Frank Lenz and Richard Swift joined Starflyer 59, I don't think people expected Old to be as good as it was. A return to rock for Jason and SF59. Old is the most sonically interesting record Starflyer has put out. The addition of Lenz and Swift was a huge step in the progression of Starflyer and although both of those guys have moved on their impact is still felt.
1. Stavesacre - Speakeasy
Sometimes a subtle shift in sound is all it takes to go from being a good band to a great band. Although Friction and the Absolutes are awesome records, Speakeasy holds up as a classic.
Monday, December 28, 2009
A Dio Christmas
So I just heard this for the first time this morning. It made me sad that I didn't know about this until now. I mean... It's Ronnie James Dio!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Patton's Top 20 of 2009
And now we have the yearly round up of my favorite albums of the past year. This is the best I've kept track of what's come out this year. A couple of quick notes before I get into the list.
First, I'm a little disappointed by hip-hop this year. A handful of great songs but no records that blew me away. The closest was Jay, Stay, Paid by J Dilla.
Secondly, mewithoutYou's "It's all crazy, it's all false, it's all a dream, it's alright", is probably the biggest flop of an album this year. Although songs have grown on me and as an album it's pretty good, to go from something as amazing as Brother Sister to this... it's hard to over look that.
And now for the Top 20.
20. Gifts from Enola - From Fathoms
Mylene Sheath put out some of the best post rock albums this year. From Fathoms is Gifts from Enola's second album and it's light years better then Loyal Eyes Betrayed. A nice combination of chaos and great post rock hooks.
19. Neon Horse - Haunted Horse: Songs Of Love, Defiance, & Delusion
Sometimes you need just a good, fun rock record. And Mark Salomon and Jason Martin have created just that.
18. Steph Modder - Hopes Got Me
It's kind of a shame that more people haven't heard Steph Modder's Hopes Got Me. Just a nice album. One of the best new voices in music.
17. Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - III
So I have to revise my thoughts on southern rock a little. Maylene and The Sons of Disaster do southern metal right!.
16. Jeremy Enigk - Ok Bear
Ok Bear might not be as grand of Return of the Frog Queen but nothing will be. Very similar to his last 2 solo efforts. Jeremy Enigk is one great song writer and Ok Bear is just another great pop record. Great songs. Too bad it was over shadowed by the return of Sunny Day Real Estate (which was also awesome).
15. Thursday - Common Existence
Their most raw album since Full Collapse. Thursday hasn't broken any new ground but Common Existence finds Thursday back creating passionate, furious music.
14. The Chariot - Wars and Rumors of Wars
The Chariot have created another chaotic masterpiece. A good hardcore album start to finish.
13. Tumbledown - Tumbledown
Who knew Mike from MxPx could put out such a great country. Songs about drinking, gambling, and love. It's country music at it's purest and Mike has pulled it off wonderfully.
12. pg.Lost - In Never Out
In Never Out is post rock. Fans of Explosions in the Sky shouldn't pass by pg.Lost.
11. Shrinebuilder - Shrinebuilder
Featuring members of Neurosis, St Vitus, Sleep, and The Melvins, Shrinebuilder had a lot to live up to. And they pulled it off. Finally, a supergroup that worked. This is doom/sludge/stoner metal heaven.
10. David Bazan - Curse Your Branches
The best thing David has done since Pedro the Lion's Control. Some of the most beautiful and heart wrenching songs he's ever written. Getting back to writing about his spiritual life was a good call and although this is his "breakup with God" record, David Bazan has still managed to paint beautiful pictures with his lyrics.
9. Isis - Wavering Radiant
Wavering Radiant captured a nice balance of metal and post rock. This album has a perfect blend of being heavy and beautiful.
8. Cave In - Planets of Old
4 songs of some of the best music Cave In has ever written. A perfect mix of all things good Cave In, taking the best from Until Your Heart Stops, Jupiter, and Pitch Perfect Black. If all bands need to break up for a couple years to come back and make music this good then it should be so.
7. Doomriders - Darkness Comes Alive
The side project of Converge's bassist Nate Newton, Doomriders is just a straight forward kick ass heavy rock and roll band. Darkness Comes Alive hits me perfectly.
6. Russian Circles - Geneva
The post rock genre seems to be in a slight transition to a heavier sound and leading the pack is Russian Circles. Again, they've outdone themselves and great a record with more groove then their previous 2 efforts. Geneva will get your bobbing.
5. Relient K - Forget and Not Slow Down
I picked this album up on a whim and it was worth it. Gone is the goofy pop punk Relient K of old. In their place is a mature band whose ability to write great songs still takes me by surprise. Forget and Not Slow Down is the most consistent album of song writing I heard all year. There's no clunkers on this album. It's a solid listen and people who still think Relient K is still singing about Marilyn Manson eating girlfriends, you should give this album a spin. It will change your opinion of the band completely.
4. Mono - Hymn To The Immortal Wind
Hymn to the Immortal Wind took all of 10 second for me to fall in love. Mono has always put out great albums but the play with strings on Hymn makes this album top them all. 10 minute orchestral pieces. Great album
3. Thrice - Beggars
I feel bad for having never really given Thrice their due because Beggars is fantastic. Dustin Kensrue is just a fine lyricist and musically Thrice seems to moved away from their early screamo roots beautifully. I feel like Beggars got lost in the shuffle this year and it's a pity.
2. Saxon Shore - It Doesn't Matter
No band, and I mean no band, has been able to move the sound forward and keep progressing and still continue to write and record music that's better then whatever they released before as Saxon Shore has. It Doesn't Matter might be the most upbeat sounding and keyboard driven record Saxon has produced to date. They aren't your typical post rock band and they're a better band because of it.
1. Mastodon - Crack the Skye
This might be a popular and almost hipster choice for my favorite album of the year but I don't care. I'm not trying to impress anyone anyway. Crack the Skye might not be Leviathan but that's ok. Crack the Skye has Mastodon progressing their sound into something far more then metal. It's an epic journey and it's my favorite album of the year! Nothing was better then Crack the Skye, Nothing!
Honorable Mentions:
Frank Lenz - Strickly Background OST
Hatebreed - Hatebreed
Caspian - Tertia
First, I'm a little disappointed by hip-hop this year. A handful of great songs but no records that blew me away. The closest was Jay, Stay, Paid by J Dilla.
Secondly, mewithoutYou's "It's all crazy, it's all false, it's all a dream, it's alright", is probably the biggest flop of an album this year. Although songs have grown on me and as an album it's pretty good, to go from something as amazing as Brother Sister to this... it's hard to over look that.
And now for the Top 20.
20. Gifts from Enola - From Fathoms
Mylene Sheath put out some of the best post rock albums this year. From Fathoms is Gifts from Enola's second album and it's light years better then Loyal Eyes Betrayed. A nice combination of chaos and great post rock hooks.
19. Neon Horse - Haunted Horse: Songs Of Love, Defiance, & Delusion
Sometimes you need just a good, fun rock record. And Mark Salomon and Jason Martin have created just that.
18. Steph Modder - Hopes Got Me
It's kind of a shame that more people haven't heard Steph Modder's Hopes Got Me. Just a nice album. One of the best new voices in music.
17. Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - III
So I have to revise my thoughts on southern rock a little. Maylene and The Sons of Disaster do southern metal right!.
16. Jeremy Enigk - Ok Bear
Ok Bear might not be as grand of Return of the Frog Queen but nothing will be. Very similar to his last 2 solo efforts. Jeremy Enigk is one great song writer and Ok Bear is just another great pop record. Great songs. Too bad it was over shadowed by the return of Sunny Day Real Estate (which was also awesome).
15. Thursday - Common Existence
Their most raw album since Full Collapse. Thursday hasn't broken any new ground but Common Existence finds Thursday back creating passionate, furious music.
14. The Chariot - Wars and Rumors of Wars
The Chariot have created another chaotic masterpiece. A good hardcore album start to finish.
13. Tumbledown - Tumbledown
Who knew Mike from MxPx could put out such a great country. Songs about drinking, gambling, and love. It's country music at it's purest and Mike has pulled it off wonderfully.
12. pg.Lost - In Never Out
In Never Out is post rock. Fans of Explosions in the Sky shouldn't pass by pg.Lost.
11. Shrinebuilder - Shrinebuilder
Featuring members of Neurosis, St Vitus, Sleep, and The Melvins, Shrinebuilder had a lot to live up to. And they pulled it off. Finally, a supergroup that worked. This is doom/sludge/stoner metal heaven.
10. David Bazan - Curse Your Branches
The best thing David has done since Pedro the Lion's Control. Some of the most beautiful and heart wrenching songs he's ever written. Getting back to writing about his spiritual life was a good call and although this is his "breakup with God" record, David Bazan has still managed to paint beautiful pictures with his lyrics.
9. Isis - Wavering Radiant
Wavering Radiant captured a nice balance of metal and post rock. This album has a perfect blend of being heavy and beautiful.
8. Cave In - Planets of Old
4 songs of some of the best music Cave In has ever written. A perfect mix of all things good Cave In, taking the best from Until Your Heart Stops, Jupiter, and Pitch Perfect Black. If all bands need to break up for a couple years to come back and make music this good then it should be so.
7. Doomriders - Darkness Comes Alive
The side project of Converge's bassist Nate Newton, Doomriders is just a straight forward kick ass heavy rock and roll band. Darkness Comes Alive hits me perfectly.
6. Russian Circles - Geneva
The post rock genre seems to be in a slight transition to a heavier sound and leading the pack is Russian Circles. Again, they've outdone themselves and great a record with more groove then their previous 2 efforts. Geneva will get your bobbing.
5. Relient K - Forget and Not Slow Down
I picked this album up on a whim and it was worth it. Gone is the goofy pop punk Relient K of old. In their place is a mature band whose ability to write great songs still takes me by surprise. Forget and Not Slow Down is the most consistent album of song writing I heard all year. There's no clunkers on this album. It's a solid listen and people who still think Relient K is still singing about Marilyn Manson eating girlfriends, you should give this album a spin. It will change your opinion of the band completely.
4. Mono - Hymn To The Immortal Wind
Hymn to the Immortal Wind took all of 10 second for me to fall in love. Mono has always put out great albums but the play with strings on Hymn makes this album top them all. 10 minute orchestral pieces. Great album
3. Thrice - Beggars
I feel bad for having never really given Thrice their due because Beggars is fantastic. Dustin Kensrue is just a fine lyricist and musically Thrice seems to moved away from their early screamo roots beautifully. I feel like Beggars got lost in the shuffle this year and it's a pity.
2. Saxon Shore - It Doesn't Matter
No band, and I mean no band, has been able to move the sound forward and keep progressing and still continue to write and record music that's better then whatever they released before as Saxon Shore has. It Doesn't Matter might be the most upbeat sounding and keyboard driven record Saxon has produced to date. They aren't your typical post rock band and they're a better band because of it.
1. Mastodon - Crack the Skye
This might be a popular and almost hipster choice for my favorite album of the year but I don't care. I'm not trying to impress anyone anyway. Crack the Skye might not be Leviathan but that's ok. Crack the Skye has Mastodon progressing their sound into something far more then metal. It's an epic journey and it's my favorite album of the year! Nothing was better then Crack the Skye, Nothing!
Honorable Mentions:
Frank Lenz - Strickly Background OST
Hatebreed - Hatebreed
Caspian - Tertia
Saturday, December 19, 2009
2009 @ It's Finest - A Patton Mixtape
So as I've done for the last 9 years I bring you The Best of 09 mixtape. And for the second year straight I've put it online for all to enjoy. I had my stuff together this year and got it done early so enjoy.
* All songs taken from albums appearing in Patton's Top 20 albums of 09.
09 @ It's Finest
01. Let's Drink by Tumbledown
02. Forget and Not Slow Down by Relient K
03. Bar Clearing Good Time by Saxon Shore
04. Strange Town by Neon Horse
05. Teach by The Chariot
06. Step Up (I'm on It) by Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
07. Divinations by Mastodon
08. Malko by Russian Circles
09. 20 Minutes/40 Years by Isis
10. Retina Sees Rewind by Cave In
11. The Architect by Shrinebuilder
12. Heavy Lies the Crown by Doomriders
13. The Weight by Thrice
14. This All Leads to You by Steph Modder
15. Mind Idea by Jeremy Enigk
16. In Stitches by David Bazan
17. Ashes in the Snow by Mono
* All songs taken from albums appearing in Patton's Top 20 albums of 09.
09 @ It's Finest
01. Let's Drink by Tumbledown
02. Forget and Not Slow Down by Relient K
03. Bar Clearing Good Time by Saxon Shore
04. Strange Town by Neon Horse
05. Teach by The Chariot
06. Step Up (I'm on It) by Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
07. Divinations by Mastodon
08. Malko by Russian Circles
09. 20 Minutes/40 Years by Isis
10. Retina Sees Rewind by Cave In
11. The Architect by Shrinebuilder
12. Heavy Lies the Crown by Doomriders
13. The Weight by Thrice
14. This All Leads to You by Steph Modder
15. Mind Idea by Jeremy Enigk
16. In Stitches by David Bazan
17. Ashes in the Snow by Mono
Thursday, December 17, 2009
How Excited Am I For This?
I should've posted this yesterday.
This is great news.
This is great news.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Top 10 Solid State Records
With my recent open letter about classic Solid State night @ Cornerstone and my recent rant on how terrible Christian hardcore/metal currently is I thought I'd give a list of (my) Top 10 Solid State* Records releases.
*Patton's note: I understand that some of these albums were released under the Tooth and Nail name but because they fall in the hardcore/metal genre they are on this list.
10. Focused – Bow
This is the 2nd album ever released on T&N( although wikipedia isn't as clear on that as I'd like). Nothing will ever beat the early hardcore days in Christian music. Nothing. The passion coming out of the scene and the bands were great. 94-97 were great years for Christian hardcore. Focused debut is solid. Straight forward old school hardcore. It's the sound that defined the spirit filled hxc scene. Bow is heavy and aggressive and a classic record.
9. Training for Utopia – Throwing a Wrench in the American Music Machine
In their swan song album Training for Utopia went industrial... kind of. Not so much in the vain of Klank or Circle of Dust, probably closer in sound to Pretty Hate Machine but I don't think of Throwing a Wrench... as an industrial record. It was too heavy, had far too many grooves to be industrial. It's a weird album and I understand why people didn't get it but I love it. Even , Everything Including the Stars in Falling Baby, an acoustic track that seems to be completely out of place. If for no other reason this album deserves a place on the list because New York City Is Overrated is far too good a song to be ignored.
8. Focal Point – Suffering of the Masses
Can a band make an impact with one album? Yes. And Focal Point did so. I have this album on red vinyl and it looks and sounds amazing. It's possibly the best artwork for any album Solid State has ever released. Ryan Clark would take what was started with Focal Point and continue with TFU but I don't think anything TFU ever did had the same passionate furry as Suffering the Masses.
7. Extol – Undeceived
Great record. Great F-ing record! I've never been a big death/black/norwegian metal fan. It just doesn't really appeal to my sensibilities. But Undeceived did when it came out and it does now. Probably nothing special in the genre but as far as christian music that was coming out, Undeceived was an instant classic in the scene. Heavy, melodic, technical. Just a great album.
6. Unashamed – Reflection
Unashamed second's album, it was so good that when they finished it they knew they couldn't release a better album and quit. That's how amazing this album is. Unashamed is worship music at it's heart. Hardcore in style, worship in context. The album ends with a great cover a the Rich Mullens classic, Awesome God. I would give anything to have seen Unashamed play the song live (as they will not be on their reunion).
5. Blindside – A Thought Crushed My Mind
Blindside had a solid debut that brought Swedish hardcore to the christian scene in america. A Thought Crushed My Mind blew their debut out of the water. A Thought Crushed My Mind was every bit as raw as their self-titled debut but it was more chaotic, heavier, had more melody, just more. It wasn't the polished post-hardcore Blindside has been out out since, this was raw rock at it's purest. They really don't make records like this anymore.
4. Strongarm – The Advent of a Miracle
Advent of a Miracle... I don't have words for how much I love this record. Strongarm and Shai Hulud were Florida hardcore in the mid-90's and you can hear the similarities shared between the two band. Strongarm had great melody that weaved in and out of their songs that really separated them from their peers. Advent of a Miracle is every bit as good today as it was in 97.
3. Zao – Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest
Zao is a huge influence on me. Dan Weyandt is one of my favorite lyricist of all time and he's without a doubt my favorite hardcore vocalist ever. Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest is monumental on hardcore, Christian and non, and a huge influence in my life. This album really cemented a love for hardcore in me. I don't know if any one band has had such an influence as Zao and Where Blood and Fire is where it all began.
2. Norma Jean – The Anti-Mother
Ok this is a newer record and I know there will be people who instantly cry wolf. Yes, I know there's a large majority of Norma Jean fans who believe their best work is Bless the Martyr, Kiss the Child. But it's not (at least not on my list). I will even concede that Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste is the best Norma Jean song. But this albums. First off, The last 2 Chariot, The Fiancee and Wars and Wars of War, are both better records then Bless the Martyr (so Josh's best work isn't even with Norma Jean). In an age where drums are over produced and and production seems to key to the genre, The Anti-Mother is a rough look at what quality song writing and melody can do for a band. The Anti-Mother is 10 songs long and 10 songs strong. Nothing to skip. Plus the album features Chino Moreno and Paige Hamilton. Norma Jean have been getting better. When I thought there was no way they'd ever top Redeemer, they released The Anti-Mother, which nearly 2 years later I still have a probably taking it out of my cd player.
1. Living Sacrifice – The Hammering Process
I wasn't a big fan of Reborn and even though that record has grown on me, The Hammering Process is my favorite record Living Sacrifice has released and Solid State has released. Where Reborn brought a new era, The Hammering Process firmly nailed LS as one of the great metal bands in christian music. Lance's drumming is top notch, the addition of Matt Putman on percussion added a new level to the music. Rocky Gray delivered great solos on this. I remember playing Hand of the Dead on a missions trip in high school and freaking everybody in the van out. It was accused of being devil music. The Hammering Process is a classic. Seriously.
*Patton's note: I understand that some of these albums were released under the Tooth and Nail name but because they fall in the hardcore/metal genre they are on this list.
10. Focused – Bow
This is the 2nd album ever released on T&N( although wikipedia isn't as clear on that as I'd like). Nothing will ever beat the early hardcore days in Christian music. Nothing. The passion coming out of the scene and the bands were great. 94-97 were great years for Christian hardcore. Focused debut is solid. Straight forward old school hardcore. It's the sound that defined the spirit filled hxc scene. Bow is heavy and aggressive and a classic record.
9. Training for Utopia – Throwing a Wrench in the American Music Machine
In their swan song album Training for Utopia went industrial... kind of. Not so much in the vain of Klank or Circle of Dust, probably closer in sound to Pretty Hate Machine but I don't think of Throwing a Wrench... as an industrial record. It was too heavy, had far too many grooves to be industrial. It's a weird album and I understand why people didn't get it but I love it. Even , Everything Including the Stars in Falling Baby, an acoustic track that seems to be completely out of place. If for no other reason this album deserves a place on the list because New York City Is Overrated is far too good a song to be ignored.
8. Focal Point – Suffering of the Masses
Can a band make an impact with one album? Yes. And Focal Point did so. I have this album on red vinyl and it looks and sounds amazing. It's possibly the best artwork for any album Solid State has ever released. Ryan Clark would take what was started with Focal Point and continue with TFU but I don't think anything TFU ever did had the same passionate furry as Suffering the Masses.
7. Extol – Undeceived
Great record. Great F-ing record! I've never been a big death/black/norwegian metal fan. It just doesn't really appeal to my sensibilities. But Undeceived did when it came out and it does now. Probably nothing special in the genre but as far as christian music that was coming out, Undeceived was an instant classic in the scene. Heavy, melodic, technical. Just a great album.
6. Unashamed – Reflection
Unashamed second's album, it was so good that when they finished it they knew they couldn't release a better album and quit. That's how amazing this album is. Unashamed is worship music at it's heart. Hardcore in style, worship in context. The album ends with a great cover a the Rich Mullens classic, Awesome God. I would give anything to have seen Unashamed play the song live (as they will not be on their reunion).
5. Blindside – A Thought Crushed My Mind
Blindside had a solid debut that brought Swedish hardcore to the christian scene in america. A Thought Crushed My Mind blew their debut out of the water. A Thought Crushed My Mind was every bit as raw as their self-titled debut but it was more chaotic, heavier, had more melody, just more. It wasn't the polished post-hardcore Blindside has been out out since, this was raw rock at it's purest. They really don't make records like this anymore.
4. Strongarm – The Advent of a Miracle
Advent of a Miracle... I don't have words for how much I love this record. Strongarm and Shai Hulud were Florida hardcore in the mid-90's and you can hear the similarities shared between the two band. Strongarm had great melody that weaved in and out of their songs that really separated them from their peers. Advent of a Miracle is every bit as good today as it was in 97.
3. Zao – Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest
Zao is a huge influence on me. Dan Weyandt is one of my favorite lyricist of all time and he's without a doubt my favorite hardcore vocalist ever. Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest is monumental on hardcore, Christian and non, and a huge influence in my life. This album really cemented a love for hardcore in me. I don't know if any one band has had such an influence as Zao and Where Blood and Fire is where it all began.
2. Norma Jean – The Anti-Mother
Ok this is a newer record and I know there will be people who instantly cry wolf. Yes, I know there's a large majority of Norma Jean fans who believe their best work is Bless the Martyr, Kiss the Child. But it's not (at least not on my list). I will even concede that Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste is the best Norma Jean song. But this albums. First off, The last 2 Chariot, The Fiancee and Wars and Wars of War, are both better records then Bless the Martyr (so Josh's best work isn't even with Norma Jean). In an age where drums are over produced and and production seems to key to the genre, The Anti-Mother is a rough look at what quality song writing and melody can do for a band. The Anti-Mother is 10 songs long and 10 songs strong. Nothing to skip. Plus the album features Chino Moreno and Paige Hamilton. Norma Jean have been getting better. When I thought there was no way they'd ever top Redeemer, they released The Anti-Mother, which nearly 2 years later I still have a probably taking it out of my cd player.
1. Living Sacrifice – The Hammering Process
I wasn't a big fan of Reborn and even though that record has grown on me, The Hammering Process is my favorite record Living Sacrifice has released and Solid State has released. Where Reborn brought a new era, The Hammering Process firmly nailed LS as one of the great metal bands in christian music. Lance's drumming is top notch, the addition of Matt Putman on percussion added a new level to the music. Rocky Gray delivered great solos on this. I remember playing Hand of the Dead on a missions trip in high school and freaking everybody in the van out. It was accused of being devil music. The Hammering Process is a classic. Seriously.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
An Open Letter to Cornerstone (and a handful of former Solid State Bands)
Dear Cornerstone Festival,
It's been a while since we last saw each other. It's no fault of yours. You've had some great moments and I've wanted to come and take part in your experience. But it's expensive and if you haven't noticed the economy isn't being to kind to a lot of us right now, making it harder to come and partake in your musical good times.
But you can fix that this year.
I'm sure you've noticed that 2009 has been the year of the reunion. And this trend looks like it could carry into 2010 nicely and Cornerstone 2010 needs to take full advantage of this.
Focused and Unashamed have both reunited for shows this year. The Crucified played your fantastic festival this past year. Living Sacrifice has a new record coming out in January.
Seriously, if you haven't thought of this already, you need to have your brain examined. This is the perfect storm coming together to create the greatest musical night in the history of the world. There are a couple of minor details to hammer out.
Strongarm needs to reunite for this night. They played a show in 2000 at Furnace Festival and there's no reason why they can't come together and play at Cornerstone 2010. Overcome needs to be there too. It sounds like a lot of bands for one night but you can pull this off. Overcome was just as much a part of the early Solid State scene as Focused and Unashamed and it would be a crime not to include them.
So Strongarm and Overcome... what are you waiting for? Your peers are getting back together. So should you!
Cornerstone also needs to make right their mistake of the past couple of years. 2 years straight now you've not invited Zao to play. They've said they want to play.
It would be amazing if for this night Zao took the stage and played their classic "Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest" in it's entirety.
Think about it.
Classic Solid State Night @ Cornerstone 2010 featuring:
The Crucified
and Living Sacrifice
There is no reason not to do this.
Bryan Patton
It's been a while since we last saw each other. It's no fault of yours. You've had some great moments and I've wanted to come and take part in your experience. But it's expensive and if you haven't noticed the economy isn't being to kind to a lot of us right now, making it harder to come and partake in your musical good times.
But you can fix that this year.
I'm sure you've noticed that 2009 has been the year of the reunion. And this trend looks like it could carry into 2010 nicely and Cornerstone 2010 needs to take full advantage of this.
Focused and Unashamed have both reunited for shows this year. The Crucified played your fantastic festival this past year. Living Sacrifice has a new record coming out in January.
Seriously, if you haven't thought of this already, you need to have your brain examined. This is the perfect storm coming together to create the greatest musical night in the history of the world. There are a couple of minor details to hammer out.
Strongarm needs to reunite for this night. They played a show in 2000 at Furnace Festival and there's no reason why they can't come together and play at Cornerstone 2010. Overcome needs to be there too. It sounds like a lot of bands for one night but you can pull this off. Overcome was just as much a part of the early Solid State scene as Focused and Unashamed and it would be a crime not to include them.
So Strongarm and Overcome... what are you waiting for? Your peers are getting back together. So should you!
Cornerstone also needs to make right their mistake of the past couple of years. 2 years straight now you've not invited Zao to play. They've said they want to play.
It would be amazing if for this night Zao took the stage and played their classic "Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest" in it's entirety.
Think about it.
Classic Solid State Night @ Cornerstone 2010 featuring:
The Crucified
and Living Sacrifice
There is no reason not to do this.
Bryan Patton
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
What Happened?
There hasn't been any new music to speak of for a couple weeks. Nothing with real interest and nothing really worth sharing. I've slowed on reviews and have spent my time going through records that have come out this year and putting together my Top 20 albums of 2009. Some good stuff.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
MxPx - Left Coast Punk ep

So Mxpx just dropped a new ep... and surprise, I love it! Left Coast Punk is a cross between the Secret Weapon and Panic, both of which are good. 6 new songs from one of my favorite bands before the end of the year is fantastic. One Step Further, Desperate to Understand, and Shanghaied In Shanghai are in the vain of what Mxpx gave us with last year's Secret Weapon, a sound more in the vain of their earlier punk roots. Broken and Hopeless Case sound like they would've been right at home on Panic. Not as in your face but great songs none the less.
The last track End is a little weak. An acoustic track that's nice but doesn't carry the same feel as the rest of the ep.
All around a great record that I love. If you like Mxpx, this is for you.
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