Friday, August 20, 2010

The American Dollar - Atlas

The biggest flaw with The American Dollar is their consistency. Well tighten and perfecting their craft and sound, each album since their debut has been a solid instrumental listen. Atlas is no different. The flaw is, they're so consistent that if you own one record, you could really pass on the next.

While Atlas continues The American Dollar's exploration into using more guitars into their sound, it's still a real synth and piano driven work. Drums machines play tag with live drums as songs weave in and out of each other, a slow building intro into a nice crescendo and a simple piano riff that fades into the next track. It's hard to fault the band for sticking with what works because each album is it's own little masterpiece and the songs are so well crafted and the music is so relaxing and enjoyable that you can turn it on and just enjoy.

It's hard for me to find fault in The American Dollar for putting out the same record over and over when it's this good. Yes, I'm critical of Linkin Park for releasing the same song over and over but their song sucks...

Atlas is a great instrumental record and if you've never listened to The American Dollar it's as good a place as any to start.

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