Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Explosions in the Sky - Take Care, Take Care, Take Care

Explosions in the Sky haven't always been a favorite of mine but 2007's All of the Sudden I Miss Everyone really got me into the band. It was more epic, more centered and themed then the band's previous work. EITS went from a band I liked to a band I love.

Four years later the band has returned with Take Care, Take Care, Take Care, an album that will please fans who weren't thrilled with All of the Sudden. On Take Care the band went back to writing individual songs, not an album that plays as a singular track. And while I'm a little disappointed in this fact, the album is still beautiful. Take Care still has the rich lush sound that All of the Sudden had.

The album kicks off with Last Known Surroundings, a track that is classic EITS but still has a similar vibe to All of the Sudden I Miss Everyone. Human Qualities is just guitar for the first 7 minutes before a mild crescendo. Trembling Hands is a great song. My favorite on the album. A great driving song with tons of movement.

Take Care, Take Care, Take Care is a good record. It's not Explosions in the Sky's best record but it's a solid post rock album. There are a lot of quiet moments which had me messing with the volume on my speakers far too often. The album's closing track, Let Me In, doesn't end the album on the strongest note and it just left me wanting more. Maybe my hopes were too high.

Overall a good post rock record and fan of EITS will ultimately probably like this record.

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