Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Bloody Valentine - MBV

Loveless was one of those life changing moment records. Not in any sort of deep spiritual way, or even in any sort of musical sense. Ok, life changing might be a bit much. But Loveless ranks as one of my favorite records of all-time! My Bloody Valentine's 1991 sophomore LP is a shoegaze masterpiece and I don't think you'll find anyone who disagrees.

And now, over 20 years later we get the follow-up to Loveless. I was excited to listen to MBV as I started downloading the record, but that's also when the nerves kicked in. I love Loveless! What if MBV doesn't excite me that same way? What if the record is a huge disappointment? What if it sucks? What if it's completely different from what I wanted?

I hit play... "Just breathe"

So what does My Bloody Valentine sound like in the year 2013? Basically, exactly like they sounded in 1991. Which I love.

To be honest there was a part of me that hoped MBV would bit a bit of a modern day version of My Bloody Valentine. Something closer to Kevin Shield's song "City Girl" from the Lost in Translation soundtrack. But mostly, I'm happy to hear an album that sounds similar to Loveless.

As soon as She Found Me started playing, a smile hit my face. I knew this was going to be an amazing record. The lush rhythm guitar tone. The slightly off tone sound leads mumbling underneath. Shield's vocals barely audible over the music. The song, and most of the album, reminds me of songs like To Here Knows When and Sometimes. Super lush, light to now drums.

And that's the biggest difference between Loveless and MBV. Loveless had some tracks that smacked you in the face. When Only Shallow kicks in the drums explode onto your speakers. MBV on the other hand has no real "rock" songs. Everything is low key and chill. Sure, Only Tomorrow, Who Sees You,  and New You have audible drums but they're more low key. Songs like In Another Way and Nothing Is are slightly more aggressive but in a weird Nine Inch Nails way.

MBV is not Loveless, but it couldn't have been. In many ways it's the perfect follow-up, the right progression in sound. It's great to finally have new music from one of my favorite bands. My Bloody Valentine is back! And they haven't lost a step.

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