Thursday, February 14, 2013

Spoken - Illusion

I saw Spoken for the first time in 1999. The band had just release What Remains and at the height of rapcore, their Rage Against The Machine stylings hit on every level with me. And the band's sound has evolved (and my musical taste) I've always enjoy Spoken. From rapcore to hard rock to melodic rock band; each step and evolution hasn't hindered the band. Each album as solid as the last.

It's been 6 years since that band's self-titled last record. And a new album has been promised and talked about for the last couple of years and finally Illusion is out. I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew I loved the single Daggers that came out last year but the band had dropped that track from the record.

As soon as Stand Alone kicked in my jaw dropped. I don't think I've ever heard Spoken this heavy. I knew vocalist Matt Baird could scream but I didn't know he could scream and growl like this. Beneath The Surface keeps hitting right has hard, even harder than Stand Alone. It's an awfully impressive start to a record and it almost makes me happy Spoken took their time perfecting Illusion before getting it to the fans.

Through It All, the album's first single, is the perfect re-introduction of Spoken to the world. It has all the catchiness of songs like Promise but with a harder edge that just hints at some of the heavier elements of Illusion. More Than You Know and Remember The Day are classic Spoken ballads. Great melodies with strong hooks. Shadow Over Me kicks things back up with a riff that will melt faces. Baird shows off his range incredibly well on this track. From beautifully sung verse to a half growled, half yelled chorus.

The album ends that same way it began, hitting you hard, right between the eyes. The title track, Illusion, is a full on hard hard rock song.

Illusion is both the next progression for Spoken but also encompasses a lot of what the band has done so well previously. You can tell there's a new energy and passion behind the band and there's no stopping Matt Baird and the boys in Spoken.

Spoken might have never been the trendiest band in the world or most popular but they make great record after great record and Illusion is another notch in a discography that's already really impressive.

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