Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mastodon - Crack the Skye

I don't think there are have been too many records this year to make me really perk up and take note. My best of list thus far had consisted only of the Chariot's "Wars and Rumors of Wars".

I read a blog called metalsucks and they love Mastodon. I had never listened to Mastodon. Watched the "making of" Crack the Skye on myspace and was interested. The record came out and I had more or less ignored it. On some whim I picked it up (it has great artwork). I know not to judge records based off of the Opening track but goodness if Oblivion isn't a kick ass song. What an opening to a record. From their the album is great.

Like previously stated Oblivion is a great song. Divinations follows suit nicely and the album as a whole is great. Fantastic riffs, catchy hooks, killer leads, just an all in all good metal record. It's hard for me to put this record into words other then awesome. This is metal at it's finest. Buy the album (you can get it on vinyl), turn your stereo up, and enjoy. There is no bad track on record. It's solid from start to finish.

Go buy this album!

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