Monday, November 29, 2010

Rocky Loves Emily - American Dream

The Warp Tour, Pop Punk, Emo scene has passed me by. I feel really irrelevant about modern rock music. DC's two rock stations are stuck in the late 80's/early 90's. So whatever might be popular with the Hot Topic, teen scene hitting Warp tour is not something I find myself consuming on a regular. But Tooth and Nail's latest band, Rocky Loves Emily, seems like a band signed 6 months to a year behind a trend. While Tooth and Nail has had some good recent signings and put out handful of records this year from new bands with tons of potential, Rocky Loves Emily isn't one of those bands in my opinion.

American Dream is an ep of songs I've heard over the last 5 years from various emo/pop punk acts. American Dream isn't anything original or at least interesting to my ears.

But like Family Force Five, Attack Attack, and you know, every band on RIse Records, Rocky Loves Emily is a band that will probably do really well with the younger audience. While it's a trend and style of music that escapes my ears and my likes, American Dream is a well produced ep full of songs about teenage love, played in that upbeat emo rock sound that is popular.

While I wish Tooth and Nail would sign and release more records like they used, 90's alt rock and early 2000's punk aren't big money makers and Mr Ebel is running a business. While I don't enjoy American Dream, I see Rock Loves Emily being a big band for the label. Fans of We Are Kings, Cobra Starship, and other bright colored shirt emo bands will love American Dream.

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