Monday, March 7, 2011

The Echoing Green - In Scarlet & Vile

The last time I listened to the Echoing Green was 1998's self-titled release. And it's been a while since the band's last album, 2003's The Winter of Our Discontent.

In Scarlet & Vile starts off so well that everything after the opening track, Heaven (The Devil In the Details), doesn't live up to what I hoped for. Revenge has an interesting, almost Nine Inch Nails/Industrial verse, but then gives way to a happy electronica chorus that doesn't do anything for me. Dead Hearts is a killer song that reminds me of the Echoing Green of old. But then Crybaby kicks in and the auto alone turns me off. The cover of Fold Zandura's King Planet was a nice surprise but it's not nearly as compelling as the original.

In Scarlet and Vile has some great tracks and it has some nice songs but I don't know if this record is going to catch anyone attention who's not already an Echoing Green fan.

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