Thursday, May 12, 2011

Moving Mountains - Waves

There are moments when an album captures your attention and begs for you to just stop and listen to it. When the music is beautiful and so compelling that you're instantly in love with it. Moving Mountains' Waves is that record.

In short I would say Waves is an ambient version of Thrice. I could leave it at that. While guitar lines and song structures at times remind me Thursday but Moving Mountains is so similar in sound to Thrice that the comparison is easy. But it's not so simple. I've never been so moved or compelled by Thrice to a point where I get lost in the music and am so enraptured and in love with a sound.... Moving Mountains have released something special.

The album starts with My Life is Like a Chase Dream (And I'm Still Having Chase Dreams) and it flat out rocks. A nice, dance style vibe on the verse but the chorus is so big that when the song ends, I don't even remember the verse. Where Two Bodies Lie doesn't have the greatest start. Its very Thursday esque and honestly, your standard post hardcore/emocore thing going on. But the end of the song, again, makes you forget the first half of the track.

Big, huge, open choruses flood Waves. The guitars move from ambient intros, to mathy riffs, into huge open chord choruses. Each song explodes onto your stereo and the dynamic range and shifts between the nice ambient quiet layers, to the loud, screamed choruses make for an enjoyable listening experience. The band claims Appleseed Cast as an influence and that comes out on The Cascade. But the tracks like Alleviate sound like the Thrice themselves could've preformed the song.

From start to finish Waves is an incredible record and Moving Mountains should be proud. They've created something really great.

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