Monday, November 7, 2011

As I Lay Dying - Decas

It's hard to believe As I Lay Dying has been around for 10 years. I remember hearing them for the first time on a Pluto Records sampler. To celebrate their decade of destruction As I Laying have release Decas, a special album for the fans that is just enough of a teaser and hold over until new AILD material is released.

Decas is one part new, one part covers, and and part remix. The new songs are great! Paralyzed might be the best AILD songs ever written. It's up there with 94 Hours, The Darkest Nights, and I Never Wanted (my personal favorites). From Shapeless To Breakable is in line with tracks from The Powerless Rise while Moving Forward is more like An Ocean Between Us. All three of the new tracks are killer songs.

We all know Tim can craft a killer cover song and there are no different. AILD does War Ensemble justice and tear Electric Eye a new one. The cover of Coffee Mug is great and straight forward. A 40 second song... Awesome! There is also a re-recorded medley of Beneath the Encasing Ashes that's equally as awesome.

Remixes of metal songs are always weird and awesome at the same time. Techno music with screaming vocals... It's always a unique sound. And these are no different. Each of the four remixes are different from each other and great in their own way.

Decas is something great for As I Lay Dying fans and a nice hold over until their next record drops.

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