Monday, June 13, 2011

Owl City - All Things Bright and Beautiful

The first time I heard Fireflies I quickly labeled Owl City as a cheap Postal Service imitation. I don't know what changed but six months later when I heard the song something clicked and I fell in love with the song. Ocean Eyes was an enjoyable record but was missing something to my ears.

Adam Young has returned with All Things Bright and Beautiful and I was skeptical about this album. I had heard the first single Galaxies for two months on the radio before I found myself enjoying the track. And to be honest, I just wasn't sure if Owl City's brand of electronic bubble gum pop was going to be my thing.

There's something charming and really nice about most of All Things Bright and Beautiful. The Real World is a nice song, very similar to the songs on Ocean Eyes. Nice, catchy, solid. But Deer in the Headlights caught my attention. The synth line is a little stronger sound then most people will be used to hearing from Owl City. On top of that, the lyrics will grab you. Not because they're deep or meaningful, but they're funny. And I enjoy a funny song from time to time. Angels is, again, something unexpected. It's still a sugary pop song but the way Adam Young belts out the chorus took me by surprise. Dreams Don't Turn to Dust isn't a super special song but the hook is extremely catchy and the track is enjoyable. Honey and the Bee is more catchy pop music. Kamikaze is the first track on the record that I didn't enjoy. Galaxies has become one of my favorite songs at the moment, although it took a while.

But that's where the album drops off. The last 4 songs just don't have anything that grabs me. Hospital Flowers is just kind of dull, while the rap on Alligator Sky just doesn't do anything for me. It's weird. The Yacht Club isn't really catchy enough to grab me and Plant Life is just... boring.

All Things Bright and Beautiful is pretty good and despite it tailing off at the end, I think it's a solid record and a huge improvement from Ocean Eyes. The songs are mostly catchy and enjoyable and I think this album is worth a listen (unless you completely hate sugary bubble gum music).

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