Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Marriages - Kitsune

Marriages is a new musical endeavor from Greg Burns, Emma Ruth Rundle and David Clifford of Red Sparowes. I've never been a huge Red Sparowes fan but I've enjoyed every release the band has put out. Plus the idea of possibly more post metal in a similar vain is always appealing to me. The studio video looked interesting and I was excited to check out the record.

Kitsune is not at all what I expected. It's better. I had figured the band would sound something akin to Red Sparowes or Isis but Marriages is better. My first impression is an updated version Cocteau Twins. And I think that's just great. Kitsune is a shoegaze record through and through and it's done really well. Ten Tiny Finger is the standout track on the record. From the music box chime intro into the song crescendoing, back to the music box and then the song almost flutters to an end. The movement is like a ship being tossed at sea. Chaos from the inside but strangely beautiful to watch unfold. White Shape is more of what I expected to hear; straight forward post rock.

Calling Marriages an updated Cocteau Twins is really cheap and doesn't really describe all the complexities of the band's music. But it's a first impression comment that I hear on the first three tracks of the album. Yes, the post rock/post metal influences show up and the band pulls each note, each song off without a hitch. But it's the shoegaze influence that sticks out most in my mind.

Kitsune is a great debut and like most albums I really like, I wish there was more. It's the area where I wish the post rock influence shined more. The songs are great but I want longer songs or just more of them. It's far too short an album for me. Nevertheless, Marriages is a great new project and I hope there's more music in the band's future.

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