Monday, March 5, 2012

I, The Breather - Truth and Purpose

I caught I, The Breather at Scream the Prayer last summer and was impressed enough to download These Are My Sins but not impressed enough to actually ever really listen to the record. Forgiven is a killer track but I never spent much time with the band. So outside of another metalcore record, I wasn't sure what to expect from Truth and Purpose.

Truth and Purpose is a pretty solid metalcore record. I, The Breather actually takes a pretty solid page out of fellow Marylanders, Darkest Hour. Just solid, heavy metalcore. I, The Breather doesn't waste a lot of time wit clean vocals (which I love). The music isn't a formula that's been overused to death in the genre.

What strikes me most about Truth and Purposes is the lyrically integrity that I, The Breather brings. It's easy for bands to veil their lyrics but I, The Breather doesn't. It's not overtly preachy but they don't back down from what they have to say and I respect that.

A solid metalcore record that avoids the pitfalls and formulas that overrun the genre. I, The Breather shows a lot of growth on their sophomore record.

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