Tuesday, March 20, 2012

MyChildren MyBride - MyChildren MyBride

There are some bands that just don't work for me. MyChildren MyBride has been one of those bands for me. I couldn't even make it through an entire listen of Lost Boys to review it. They're not a bad band. They're just a band that I've had an extremely hard time listening to. It's not my thing. So picking up MCMB's self-titled new record, I wasn't really sure how I was going to make it through the entire album.

In my opinion this is the band's best record. But I had this thought about halfway through the record; MyChildren MyBride was listening to a lot of Korn when they wrote this record. And not in a bad way. MCMB at their quietest would equate to Korn at their heaviest. And I don't mean that this album is full of slap bass and heavily flanged two note guitar riffs. But when God of Nothing comes on, the Korn influence is unmistakable. The riff that opens The Endless has that nu-metal vibe without veering completely in that direction.

And that's what makes this record an enjoyable listen. MCMB does a lot of different things that take them out of the realm of being just another metalcore/deathcore band. The band isn't breaking new ground but it's a subtle shift in their music that takes the band from average metalcore act to band people should check out.

A solid record all around. I think fans of MCMB will still love this record but there's enough of a shift that people like myself will find this record enjoyable.

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